Announcements & Events
His Excellency King Khalid University President prof.

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami,…

Students from the College of Computer Science at King Khalid…
Success Story
more..Our project, which relies on artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies, secured third place at the Educational Innovation Hackathon.
I am Hassan Hassan Al-Sheikh (one of the graduates of the College of Computer Science, specializing in Computer Engineering), and I will share with you the success story of me and my team (Eng. Amjad Osama Muhanna and Eng. Fahd Yahya Al-Qahtani, who are also graduates of the College of Computer…
A silver medal and 8 special awards. After our success at the Singapore Exhibition with the silver medal, another silver medal and several special awards at the Geneva International Exhibition
Mona Hasan Mashta project title "Fire Hawk Drone" won the Gold medal in the WorldInvent 22+23 Singapore
As four students from King Khalid University, we embarked on a journey to the AI Eduthon hackathon, seeking a robust project idea. We developed an AI tool to measure students in classroom concentratio by analyzing eye expressions, and we secured the second place in hackathon. With unwavering…
Congratulation to Eng. Saeed Turki Alwadie for winning the Gold Medal and First Place in the the world in the WorldInvent Competition 2023 held in Singapore
Anas Almana, Sara Alqahtani, and Waood Abuajmah, students College of Computer Science emerged as the best 20 finalist of Generative Artificial Intelligence Accelerator(GAIA) Hackathon Competition
Congratulations for the Code Builders(cy.2y) team winning second place in the برمجون#
"I am Proud of my Academic Career at the University and Its Culmination of Excellence" - International Student Ahmed Sami, Computer Engineering Department, College of Computer Science - King Khalid University Excellence Award Winner
Vice President for Educational and Academic Affairs Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajem in the presence of Dean College of Computer Science Dr. Ali Algarawi launch’s the Forum and honoured the best three post graduate Projects
Mr. Ali bin Abdullah Al Bakri Al Shehri, Director of the College of Computer Science Administration at King Khalid University, ranked third on the university excellence award for excellent employees, and was honored by His Excellency, the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa…
College of Computer Science students participated in the KAUST Ignite Challenge, which was held by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) from February 10 to 12, 2022 AD. Where the challenge aims to find creative and innovative solutions in the paths (Hajj, water, aviation)
The representative of the university participated in the Artathon World Artificial Intelligence 2021 competition drawing. After the end of the first stage of the challenge, computer engineering student Ibrahem Elnawasany and the vibration team managed to win the title of the top 20 participating…