University Computer Science Students Come in Second Place
Students from the College of Computer Science at King Khalid University came in second place in the "Capture the Knowledge “ competition which was organized by Taif University as part of the 4th National Conference For Computer Sciences in Saudi universities.
The Dean of the College of Computer Science, Dr. Ali Al Karoui, praised the students achievement, stressing that the college is proud of its students and their accomplishments
and adding that the College of Computer Science supports and encourages all students to work towards reaching their potential, promising to provide the necessary support to the college students in all activities and projects.
The leader of the team, head of the Cyber Security Club at the College of Computer Science, Enad Al-Otaibi, expressed his happiness on winning second place,
stressing that the team’s participation in the challenge was a great experience. It's worth noting that the team included: Enad Al-Otaibi, Abdullah Al-Shehri, Majid Asiri and Faisal Al Shahrani and that the competition challenge lasted for 8 hours straight to solve 10 challenges in multiple domains.